What is Gallon? How much water should I drink daily?

Newstricky| Do you know our body is made up of 70% of water? Water is an essential component of our body. It is important to hydrate our body for our overall health. But most people are replacing water from other beverages like cola, soda, or flavored water.

In this article, we will discuss the benefits of water and the ill effects of hydration. And confusions about measurements like how many ounces in a gallon?


Staying hydrated is important for our body. It helps our body to function properly from regulating body temperature to removing toxins from our body.

Our body is made of 70% of water and it needs water to perform all its functions. If you don’t drink enough water you will become dehydrated. In addition, there are so many ill effects of dehydration.

Ill-effects of Dehydration

–           Feeling sleepy or lazy

–           Consistent headache

–           Dry skin

–           Breakouts on skin

–           Dizziness

–           Dark and yellow-colored urine

–           Problem in passing stool

–           In worst conditions, kidney stones or other diseases can occur

Should I drink a gallon of water daily?

Staying hydrated is important and therefore you may have heard people saying to drink at least one gallon of water daily. It is not necessary but also doesn’t have any negatives. But the needs of individuals vary from person to person based on several aspects. For instance, activity level, size, height, weight, gender, etc are some factors.

Daily Water Intake

You should listen to your body to know the exact amount of water intake. But if you want exact measurements here is a table for you.

According to IOM, a woman should drink 2.3 liters, which is seven to eight ounces of water per day, while men should consume 3.3 liters, which is 112 ounces of water per day.

This may vary according to the state laws, weather conditions, activity level, and medical conditions.


Athletes engage their bodies in high physical activity. This results in more sweat loss. Therefore, they need more water than a normal adult does


# People with congestive heart failure, 3rd stage renal disease, or undergoing dialysis should restrict their water intake.

# People with urinary tract infections, constipation, fever, should increase their water intake.

# A pregnant or breastfeeding woman should increase their water intake by 160 ounces.

Benefits of Drinking Water

As we have already suggested, water is important for our body to function normally. Therefore, it has many benefits for our body


Dehydration causes laziness and lack of energy. The full drinking of an adept amount of water may increase your energy level and you will feel energetic.

Protect our teeth

Yes, water protects our teeth because if a body is hydrated, it will produce a sufficient amount of saliva, and this saliva helps fighting, bacteria and protect your teeth.

Other benefits for body

Thinking of an adept amount of water is beneficial for our body to function normally as enough water will help in digestion, circulation, absorption, and transportation of nutrients and oxygen, mucus production, etc.

Skin Problems

Celebrities to nutritionists will highly recommend drinking water for fewer breakouts and skin problems. Drinking enough water makes your skin hydrated and reduces age-related problems. Moreover, it reduces the costs of flakiness and itchiness. People also claim that drinking enough water can make your skin glow and look smoother.


One of the symptoms of dehydration is headache, and many doctors suggest that you should drink enough water to avoid this. Moreover, continuous dehydration may lead to migraines.


Do you suffer from bloating? Well, drinking right around the water may help you. However, you shouldn’t drink all the water at once and drink it slowly throughout the day.

Constipation or other digestion problems

Not drinking enough water may cause constipation or other digestion problems. Therefore, enough water to fight constipation.

Brain function

The brain of a hydrated body works in a better way. When you drink enough water you will start staying alert, flexible, and quick-minded.

Protect your joints

Enough amount of water shows lubrication to your joints and helps you to avoid any kind of joint pain and helps in their movement.


For athletes staying hydrated is very important for their better performance, maintaining their body temperature, and reducing fatigues.

Weight Management

Yes, you heard right, drinking enough water will help you to decrease some pounds. Water increases your metabolism by 30%.


Ounces in Gallons/ Liters

1 Gallon equals 128 ounces

2 Gallons equals 256 ounces

1 Liter equals 33.8 ounces.

Water Toxicity

Never intake a large amount of water in a small-time being here. It is dangerous for you as drinking too much water causes your store sodium levels to drop and then it can lead to hypomania, which is dangerous.

Always listen to your body, as it will tell you how much you should


Water is very important for our body and therefore you should drink an adept amount of water. However, don’t engulf all at once as this can cause water toxicity.

There are so many ill effects of Dehydration so protect yourselves from this. Try to increase your water intake by drinking water, eating water fruits like cucumbers, watermelons, etc. if you don’t want to drink simple water, you can try lemonades, fruit juices, milk, etc. But no coffee, tea, or soda. As they contribute to dehydration.

In addition, do gulp a glass of water after reading this.

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