7 Tips to Overcome E-Learning Challenges

The majority of students across the world love e-learning through online platforms because they are flexible and save a lot of time. Online platforms enable students to quickly catch up with their colleagues while working on other activities. However, like a double-edged sword, online platforms have their downsides. Most students pick their courses but find it difficult to keep up in the long run due to their busy schedules.

Plus, no one is watching them ensure that they attend their classes every day. This leads to procrastination which is one of the greatest challenges. But don’t worry. Today, we are here to offer you some of the best solutions that will help you overcome e-learning challenges.

Overcoming procrastination

As we said earlier, this is the greatest challenge facing most students taking online courses. Procrastination starts slow and grows deeper until it becomes almost impossible to uproot it.

You took online courses because you wanted to complete your program on time whilst working on other activities or tasks. Since no one will be keeping track of the number of classes you attend or the number of assignments you submit, it’s easy to get off track.

You can avoid procrastination by simply deciding to do things immediately. As the saying goes, tomorrow never comes. You don’t have to postpone that which you can do now.

If no one is watching you, you are your own master. How would you feel if someone you highly respected gave you some work to do and when he or she returned after a few days discovered that you never even worked on it? You are greater than anyone on this planet to yourself. Therefore, you should even feel more ashamed to find yourself procrastinating.

To beat procrastination, organize your study desk and use other tools if necessary to boost your productivity. Thanks to the rapid advancement of technology, we’ve got productivity apps like Google Calendar to help you stay on track.


According to edubirdie review, distractions are the number one killers of productivity at school, work, and home. It’s extremely difficult to avoid distractions when studying online because the tools that you use to study are the same ones that can get you off track.

Have you ever found yourself watching funny YouTube videos or commenting on social media in the middle of a lecture? Almost all of us have found ourselves in such a scenario.

Distractions are tempting. Instead of tempting yourself, eliminate all distractions in your study area. This means putting your phone in another room, turning off notifications on your computer, using website blockers if necessary, and turning off the television.

Also, consider blocking time. This could be anywhere between 25 to 90 minutes. During this period, remain absolutely focused on your work. Once the time elapses, go for a short break. You’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish when you decide to stay focused for a short period.


Online courses are quite similar to the normal courses you’ll find in college. This means that the instructor will assign writing assignments regularly. Writing assignments usually carry a lot of marks. In fact, they greatly determine whether you’ll graduate or not. Therefore, it’s important to take them seriously.

Most students wait until the last minute to start working on their writing assignments. And this is a recipe for disaster. You want to start working on your writing assignments as early as possible. Go through the guidelines and seek help if you don’t understand something. Preparing yourself for the researching and writing process will make things easier for you.

Some of the tools that will boost your writings skills through e-learning include:

  • Grammarly: A tool that fixes spelling and grammatical errors and proofreading to ensure that your arguments are flawless. This will help you create an impression and earn more marks.
  • Writing services: No matter how hard you work on your assignments, it’s highly likely that you’ll get stuck. Instead of being too hard on yourself or giving up, consider collaborating with a writer or tutor to get the work done.
  • Purdue writing lab: This platform offers lots of practical tips that will help you become a better writer.

Lack of motivation

Lack of motivation is another common challenge that faces students in e-learning. Most students are usually enthusiastic during the first few lessons. As time passes, it becomes harder to maintain motivation.

To stay motivated in the long run, consider listening to motivational talks from popular platforms such as TED talks, communicating with other learners on the platform, and other forums and staying in touch with your instructor.


Since there will be no face to face communication, some students may find it difficult to communicate with their colleagues and instructor. Typing your messages correctly and re-reading them to ensure that they make sense will make it easier for your instructor and colleagues to answer your questions accurately. Do not hit the send button until you are sure that your message is clear.

Time management

Most students take online courses to help them manage their time effectively. However, some of them end up wasting the time they would have saved by doing other activities instead of watching their tutorials. As a student, time management is everything. It’s important to create a study schedule and have the self-discipline to keep on keeping on.

Choosing your platform

Thanks to the rapid advancement of technology, many e-learning platforms are being developed to make it easier for students to access the courses they need. Students need to choose their platforms carefully to avoid wasting time and money in the long run. Be on the lookout for scammers and hackers who may want to obtain personal information such as your social security numbers and bank details.


Research shows that more than five million students take online courses every year through E-Learning. This means that you can save a lot of time and money by using these platforms properly. With these seven tips, it shouldn’t be difficult for you to start your journey and keep on keeping on.

Author Bio:

Kurt Walker has been working as an editor and a copywriter at academized in London for 3 years. He is also a professional content provider at college paper.org reviews and journalists in such topics as inspiration, productivity, education, and technologies.

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