8 Yoga tips to treat back pain

If you’re suffering from back pain for a long time Yoga can be your solution. Yoga is beneficial and the doctor recommended a back pain treatment option. This often relaxes the mind and body both, hence you feel refreshed and energetic.

Doing yoga for a few minutes a day can be effective and safe for you. The lower back is a delicate spot for many people. There are so many reasons involved in pain in the back such as poor posture and sitting all day are two common causes found in folks. This back pain Creates sharp and sometimes unbearable pain around the hip area.

Taking medication or physiotherapy can be relaxing for a few hours, but you want constant relief that’s why yoga is known as perfect treatment these days.

Well, practicing yoga is crucial. You need to make sure your posture should be perfect, so you will never feel pain. Performing yoga can add flexibility, core stability, breathing in you. Experts say, yoga is effective and generates 100% outcomes to the folks. Researchers proved yoga reduces the intake of medication during pain.

When you wake up early in the morning and invest your few minutes in performing yoga it relaxes your nerves, body, and muscles.

Whether you need to treat minor or chronic back pain, just check out our yoga expert guide and its 8 yoga tips or poses which you need to perform constantly to feel better with every day.

  1. Downward- Facing Dog

This yoga pose is highly beneficial to relieve pain and correcting your posture. This required total body stretches to target back muscles. This supports the spine and helps you to stand straight.

How to do?

Get hands-on floor and place in alignment under wrists and your knees under your hips. Tuck your toes under and lift knees. Push up your tailbone and your heels slightly up from the ground. Press swiftly into your hands. Make sure your posture is correct and distribute your weight evenly to your body. Hold the pose for 1 minute and repeat it 5 times.

  1. Child’s Pose

This pose is beneficial for relaxing muscles, elongates back and relive stress. This pose is just like a child pose in a resting position.

How to do?

Get on all fours with arms and sectioned out straight in front of you. Now sit back on glutes (not touching your heels) and come to resting face. Hold this posture for 5-10 breaths and repeat it for as many times as you can.

  1. Triangle Pose

It is one of the best and common stretching pose that help in relaxing legs and stronger your bones.

How to do?

Stand straight. Put your left foot out for a 4-degree angle, turn your chest to the right and do stretching by using the right arm to the ground and left arm towards upward or ceiling. Make sure both your legs are straight. Do not overstretch, repeat the same thing with the right leg and do it as much as you can.

  1. Pigeon Pose

It is quite challenging for newcomers. It is the most common pose to treat back pain. This relaxes muscles faster.

How to do?

Sit on the ground and withdraw your left knee forward and turn it as your left knee bent towards your face. Then draw your right leg outside which is perpendicular to left one. Keep back straight and do the downward-facing dog movement. Pull your back carefully and hold the position for 5-10 breaths or ads much as you can.

  1. Cat and Cow pose

This is perfect to reduce soreness in muscles and relaxes the pain.

How to do?

Lie down on the floor and start with the cat pose. Slowly push your back and spine up. Hold it for a few seconds and then move on in a cow position by lifting your head towards the ceiling. This is easy and relaxing to soothe out pain faster. Repeat it 10m times.

  1. Upward-Facing Dog Stretches

This work on abdominal, chest and back. To perform this, lie down on the ground on your stomach part. Keep your legs straight. Now use the stretch of your back and push your chest upward as like dog-face stretching. Hold it for a few seconds and repeat as much as you can.

  1. Cobra pose

This work on back pain quickly. To perform this lie down in the stomach and your hands facing forward. Press your hands and slowly lift your chest upward by maintaining a slight bend in elbows. Repeat it 5 times.

  1. Sphinx Pose

Lie down on your stomach with your legs protracted after you. Put your palms facing down and keep elbows little bend, then push your chest to upward. Ensure you’re lifting with the help of the spine. Keep it for 5 minutes.

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