What to Do When Your Massage Chair is Out of Service?

Newstricky| Being an owner of multiple smart gadgets and electronic devices does make your life substantially easier, but they also require a separate set of skills. Each appliance requires knowledge of how to use it, how to maintain it, as well as troubleshooting if an issue happens. Accordingly, each new version of the product or a simple update may require additional learning and adjustments.

One of such commodities is the massage chair, which is a wellness product that completely replaces massage. Even more, when used regularly massage chairs improve physical and mental health as it helps relax and relieve pain and stiffness in muscles. The long life of this product doesn’t mean there can’t happen a misfortune that will put the massage chair out of service and in need of a repair. Here is a list to do before calling the repair center.

Check the power cord and outside cables

The primary parts to check are the power cord and all cables that are visible. Check whether everything is connected correctly and plugged in the functioning electricity socket. If you have pets there is a possibility that they chewed your cord, or that the kids have pulled it out while playing around the house. The chewed power plug might still be salvageable so consider repairing it.

Turn it off and back on

Everyone had the situation where the appliance didn’t work, and they just turned it off and on or plugged it in and out and it worked like a charm again. Glitches do happen, and as an average user, you are not supposed to know everything about your chosen appliances’ mechanism. And if this works, you haven’t spent a lot of time, nerves, or money on it.

Reset the chair

If unplugging and plugging the chair back in a power socket didn’t work, the next step would be to reset your chair. There can be a remote button or you have to type in a button sequence that can be a combination of tapping a button for a few seconds to activate the resetting. This issue may occur when the massage chair gets to experience fluctuating power supply. The reset will adjust the machine and it will work smoothly.

Check the remote

Massage chairs usually come with a remote controller. Some work on batteries and some are attached to the chair with a cord. Check the cord if it is connected like that, and also try replacing the batteries. If, however, the LEDs, lights, or displays on the remote still won’t work you may need to replace the remote.

Open the chair and check wires

If everything on the outside seems all right, check the inside of the chair. Open the doors to the motor and wiring, and inspect it. Sometimes the issue may come from the dust. A lot of dust that accumulates in wire connections can hinder the power transmission and cause malfunction. Additionally, some wiring can stop working from being chewed on or pulled out aggressively, or even have a weak connection from the factory, so be careful when inspecting electrical wiring. Everything should be turned off and not touched while being plugged in.

Check the airbag connections

If the airbag stops working – individual or more, you should check multiple parts of the chair.

First, listen to the airbag itself for air leaks. If all the connections seem to be working, the air is flowing into the airbag but it’s not inflating the hole in the tube is the culprit. Next, check the connections for the air pump that is inflating the airbag. This can be a complex system so you might call the repair shop at this point. The next thing is to inspect both the air and power connections for burns and loose wires. And if all of these are all right, it is possible that the motor itself has burned out.

Check the motor

The massage chairs have a motor that essentially runs the whole show. It moves the air pumps that fill the airbags with the air in a specific order, it moves the scissors and distributes the power to the part that is supposed to move. The issue with the motor usually gives itself away with the weird noises coming from it, like tapping, grinding, or shrieking. The motor may have burnt out or the gears or belts could have been stripped or broken. The motor repair most often requires spare parts. Some of them you could have gotten with the chair but you mostly need to order those or try to find them in a local shop.

Check the scissor part

Scissors are the jointed metal arms that make the movements of your massaging chair possible. It allows the smooth function of the massaging features in your chair. To fix the scissors, you can turn the massager chair on its side and with a handy wrench from your tool kit tighten all the nuts and bolts that are holding your massaging scissors together. Start tightening the nuts from the inside first to get the job done quickly and efficiently.

Find a repairman or contact a service

In the end, if your chair still has a valid warranty, it is best that you call the company and get them to do the repair. If that is not the case, you could still get valuable advice or even do the repair at the service that the massage chairs’ company lists as the official repair center. The massage chairs are supposed to last a long time so the repair happens rarely and it mostly is worth the repair money.

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