4 Types of Energy-Efficient Transportation

Newstricky| The latest IPCC report has made the severity of the current climate crisis clear: if the world, and especially wealthy countries, don’t take steps to cut back on carbon emissions, it’ll soon be too late.

While most ordinary people aren’t harming the environment to the extent that governments and corporations are, many of us still live wasteful and non-eco-friendly lives. From shopping habits to transportation, all of us can take steps to do better.

What is meant by “energy efficiency” in the transport sector?

As in all sectors and in all activities, “energy efficiency” means obtaining the same service or producing the same good, using less energy. When talking about the lighting of houses, for example, it is not expected that people are in the dark, but that, with the same provision of the service, they can consume less energy.

In the transportation area, “energy efficiency” means complying with the same transportation service, both for people and for goods or raw materials, consuming less fuel.

What strategy does efficient driving have that needs to be taught?

It has no mysteries. Drivers may already know several things, except some techniques. Efficient driving means driving while saving fuel, and in many respects, this intersects with safe driving.

If when a person plans the trip, he performs good vehicle maintenance, -which includes filter changes, proper tire printing, for example- he drives at the right speed, he drives in advance, he reduces the idle to the maximum – historically, the engine was left running due to the problems it generated in the injection pump; today, no longer. On the contrary, a vehicle that remains stopped for three minutes is detrimental to the engine. Driving in the highest possible gear and shifting in low revs, for example, will reduce fuel consumption. Also, there are little specific things that contribute, like how to use the engine brake on trucks.

In a very simple test that we carried out with a particular vehicle on a circuit, it was evident that between aggressive driving and efficient driving there was a difference of 30% in fuel savings.

Today we’re going to look at how everyone can turn to more energy-efficient modes of transportation.

Read on to learn more.

  1. Carpooling

Most American cities lack public transportation options and instead promote car ownership. Depending on where you live, you might not be able to fight that. What you can do, however, is carpool.

Carpooling with someone else or a group is a great way to cut back on your carbon emissions. Instead of all of you driving separately, you go together, helping ensure that your city’s air is cleaner than it’d otherwise be.

  1. Electric and Hybrid Vehicles

If you do see yourself owning a car, consider getting an electric or hybrid vehicle. While these vehicles aren’t perfect, they’re still much better than traditional gas-guzzling vehicles.

If you don’t want to drive a car, don’t worry—there are plenty of other electric vehicle options to choose from. You can even look into riding electric bikes!

  1. Public Transportation

Most cities do have public transportation options, even if they are in need of a revamp. From buses to subways and even trolleys, spend some time researching the choices you have to choose from.

Depending on where you live, there might be more variety than you’d think!

  1. Biking or Walking

If you want to reduce your transportation footprint completely, look into biking or walking. While not always convenient, it is the best way to protect the environment.

Most people don’t realize how fast lightweight bikes can travel. Consider investing in a high-quality bike and using that to get where you want to go.

Walking is also an option, especially if you live in an urban area. You don’t have to walk every day, but doing so every once in a while is a great way to protect the planet!

Also read: Ways To Save Energy On Home Cooling

Energy-Efficient Transportation Made Easy

While it’s clear that corporations and governments are the real culprits behind the current climate crisis, it’s never a bad idea to take a hard look at our own carbon footprints. All of us can take steps to save energy, especially when it comes to areas like transportation.

Use this guide to help you take advantage of all of the energy-efficient transportation options. By turning to some of the methods mentioned, you’ll get the peace of mind that goes with knowing that you’re helping protect the planet.

Are you looking to learn more about how you can save energy in your day-to-day life? If you are, make sure to check out the rest of our site for more great content.

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