What is a Halo Ring? Tips to Buy the Perfect Engagement Ring

Do you want a larger diamond for your engagement ring but on a tight budget? Then you are going to love halo rings, which enlarges the diamond by surrounding it with even smaller ones. This will help your wallet while you still have an amazing-looking ring.

But what is a halo engagement ring and how can you choose the perfect one? Read on to find out!

What is a Halo Ring?

Halo is the phenomenon of light in the atmosphere, when white or colored rings would be visible around the moon and Sun, creating circular light effects.

This awesome phenomenon will then be reflected in halo rings, with the center diamond being surrounded by smaller and round diamonds. This would create an illusion of one big, impressive diamond! This ring style was made in the 1920s, and just like other vintage styles, it has become even more popular throughout the years.

Besides the better brilliance and sparkle of the main diamond, halo rings have other benefits as well.

Halo settings can reinforce center stones from the daily wear and tear. The hidden halo diamond engagement ring, along with the double halo variety, will help protect the center stone to preserve its appearance and value. The center stone would become less vulnerable to cracks and damage as the halo guards it!

And of course, it is gaining in popularity, with more artists and influential people wearing it. Celebrities like Heidi Klum and Nikki Reed wear halo rings, as it gives more of a flash! If you want to be ‘in’, halo rings are the goddess of the jewelry fashion world today. 

How to Buy the Best Halo Engagement Ring

Now that you’re familiar with what a halo engagement ring is, the next question is: How can you choose the best one? Here are some tips:

How to keep it cost-effective

While I mentioned that halo engagement rings are cost-effective, it actually really depends. Halo rings would only get pricey based on the design, but generally, it is cheaper than others as you are purchasing diamonds with less carat weight.

When doing so, you cut down expenses when selecting a smaller stone. Compare this with the solitaire ring, for instance, which would cost much more since the center stone would dictate the ring’s entire value. Less can be more!

But because hale engagement rings come in so many different styles to choose from, you can expect limitless versatility and a wide range of prices. Make sure that you already have a budget and style in mind so you’ll know how to cut costs as you go shopping for the perfect ring.

The Center Stone

The center stone would be the focal point, the major attraction, or the main focus of the ring itself! When choosing one for a halo engagement ring, you can opt for either a colorless or colored diamond, as both would have a sparkling appearance.

It doesn’t even need to be a diamond! You can opt for gemstones like ruby or sapphire, which are suitable to use on halo rings, too.

As for the cut of the gemstone, you’ll want either a round diamond or a square princess cut. More specifically, you can opt for a teardrop or marquise cut though the halo effect may be less pronounced.

The Halo Effect

The design you choose would depend on your budget, though spending more on a ring you’ll use for life would be the best choice!

One medium diamond surrounded by a row of even smaller ones around it, or a smaller diamond with three rows of even smaller ones around it, has a similar price tag. You may even enhance its appearance by adding inset-colored or colorless pave diamonds on the band. The choice is yours; you just have to consider your taste and overall budget!

Another good idea is to design a double halo with melee diamonds that are set in both white and rose gold, which would make the center stone appear even bigger!

The Side Stones

Now that we’ve figured out the center stones, what about the side stones? Some of the popular choices are channel or pave set diamonds or even diamond baguettes. If you’re not a fan of diamonds, you can opt for colored gems inv various configurations.

 For those who want diamond side stones to complement its center stone, go for ones that are one grade closer to the center stone in terms of clarity, color, and cut (if it will be round brilliants!).  

Wrapping It Up

There are a lot of factors to consider when it comes to purchasing a halo engagement ring. You need to know what suits both you and your partner’s taste, looks, charisma, personality, among others! While it does take a bit of research, it will definitely be worth it for the next years to come.

Hopefully, you learned a lot about halo engagement rings and how to invest in one thanks to this article. If you want to get a halo engagement diamond ring, then refer to this article to make sure you get the right one now. Happy shopping!

Do you have any questions or want to share your tips and experiences on how to invest in a halo engagement ring? Share them in the comments section below, we appreciate all of your thoughts!

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