Pros and Cons of Becoming a Doctor

Newstricky| Those who are considering a career in medicine have a great dilemma at hand. While helping people this way is certainly one of the noblest career paths one can possibly choose, it’s definitely not for everyone. Are the long learning journey and the day-to-day stress at work worth it for a doctor’s salary and the feeling that you’re making a positive change? Here are the pros and cons of becoming a doctor to help you decide.

Pro: Job security and good salary 

In this day and age, the notion of job security is becoming less and less tangible. With machines and AI taking over an increasing number of jobs, fewer and fewer people can be confident that their position is not threatened. Therefore, the fact that a physician can hardly be replaced by a robot and will always be needed by society is an important benefit to this occupation. Without having to worry about job security, you can focus on your professional development. Besides job security, being a doctor also provides you with a good salary. There is nothing wrong with choosing this career for this reason since the result is the same: you will be contributing to society positively.

Con: It won’t come easy

As they say, nothing in life that’s truly worth having comes easy. This is true for a career in medicine as well. Becoming a doctor is perhaps one of the most demanding education paths out there. The length of time it will take you to become a licensed physician varies from country to country. In the US, it takes at least 11 years in total, often even more. This includes obtaining a bachelor’s degree, completing years of medical school, and finally, working as a resident for at least 3 years. Completing this journey is undeniably difficult and will require a lot of perseverance from those who are determined to become doctors.

Pro: A fulfilling and meaningful occupation

If you are looking to make something meaningful out of your life, a career as a doctor is hard to compete with. In this position, you will have the power to affect people’s lives and change them for the better. There is hardly anything more fulfilling than being able to see the change that is the result of your own work. In addition, you’ll see the ups and downs of life in person which can be very humbling and make you appreciate what you have more. Putting your heart into your work as a doctor will make this more than a job; it will become your identity. At the end of the day, the biggest benefit of becoming a doctor is still the fact that you can help people.

Con: It will cost you

As we already mentioned, getting to the point where you can start working independently as a doctor takes years of learning and training. Naturally, this will cost you. Education does not come cheap, especially not in countries like the US. Consequently, you can acquire a sizeable student loan debt by the time you finish your studies. You have to determine whether you can handle the expenses and the debt that is to follow and whether it’s worth it for you.

Pro: A respectable role 

The job of a doctor is not only meaningful for the doctor: it’s also a highly appreciated occupation from the perspective of others. In this position, you will earn respect from society and will enjoy being held in high regard. Naturally, occupying such a respectable role in society will affect your self-esteem. This, added to the satisfying nature of your job, can make you feel happy with your professional life. Naturally, you first have to prove yourself in order to earn people’s respect. However, this is a great incentive for you to focus on your personal and professional development.

Con: Demanding 

Every job has its unique challenges. Still, being a doctor is especially demanding. Completing your studies and training is already demanding in itself, and the hard work won’t end there. You will learn through your studies that doctors need to make lots of sacrifices when it comes to their personal lives. An unexpected call may take you away from a social event, and a night shift might make it difficult for you to keep your social life lively. Doctors also often have long working hours so this line of work can also be physically demanding. Add to this the general stress and the immense pressure that dealing with other people’s very lives creates, and it becomes clear that the work of doctors is not easy by any means.

Pro: Opportunities abound

During your journey to become a doctor, you will have the freedom of choosing just what exactly you want to focus on. You can specialize in something you’re interested in and cultivate a lifelong passion for a certain field. But regardless of your field of interest, you will find that opportunities abound for doctors. This occupation doesn’t limit your place of residence as medical workers are welcome everywhere in the world. You don’t even have to stick to one place. Find a good locum doctor recruitment agency and you will be able to live and work in different places, creating professional connections and meeting all kinds of people along the way.

Con: Emotionally draining

Unfortunately, helping people is not all sunshine and butterflies. Even despite your best efforts, there will be cases where you have to accept defeat. You won’t always be able to save your patient’s life, and these cases can weigh heavily on you if you don’t create an appropriate boundary between yourself and your occupation. In addition, mistakes can have grave consequences in this kind of work and if such a thing happens, you’ll have to deal with the guilt. The constant pressure can also be emotionally draining. 

Pro: No two days are the same

If you cannot imagine yourself doing the same, repetitive thing every day, then the dynamic nature of being a doctor will certainly appeal to you. No two days are the same for a practicing physician. You’ll never know what the next day will bring. You will meet different people every day and face new challenges with each case. These new cases will constantly keep you busy and engaged, so you don’t have to worry about getting bored. Your learning journey will continue throughout your career.

Con: There are always risks involved

Finally, you have to understand that such an occupation as a doctor who works directly with patients has its own risks involved. Despite all safety measures, medical workers still face the risk of getting infected with infectious diseases. There is no need to search hard for an example as the situation that ensued shortly after the outbreak of the pandemic illustrates it well. In addition, there are other kinds of risks involved. For instance, mistakes can cost you more than lost sleep if someone decides to start a lawsuit. Needless to say, this can create a very stressful situation and put your career at risk. 

Nothing in life is purely black or white and so becoming a doctor comes with its advantages and disadvantages as well. The question is whether you believe you can shoulder the challenges. Weigh the pros and cons and you’ll be one step closer to determining whether the career path of a doctor is for you.

Also read: Nurses role in hospital


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