Benefits of IT Services for Small Business

Newstricky| Running a small business means that you’ll be faced with a myriad of problems that you’ll be expected to handle with limited resources and manpower. Just because you’re running a small business, this doesn’t mean that your job is easy by any means. If anything, you’re expected to be extra resourceful to overcome the abovementioned drawbacks.

Your company’s IT services are one such challenge. Fortunately, by outsourcing, you can overcome some of these problems and sort them all out quite effectively. With that in mind and without further ado, here’s why outsourcing your IT services might be the best solution for this particular problem.

Lower overhead

One of the first things that you’ll achieve by looking for managed IT services is the reduction in overhead. Sure, over the course of time, having your own IT department will save money. However, when you take into account some initial investments, you will soon come to the conclusion that a break-even point is far, far away. This means that you need to add it into the equation until you reach it, which increases your IT services costs quite drastically. For a small business with a limited budget, this can be quite a roadblock. Therefore, outsourcing seems like the best way out.

Solving Issues with office space

Outsourcing provides you with an opportunity to have an essential task handled by a remote group, which means that you don’t have to place an entire department on your premises. According to experts behind Katana IT, one of the main reasons why people outsource is so that they can keep only those performing core tasks in the office. Seeing as how outsourcing specialized tasks (IT, HR, customer service) makes the most sense, this is particularly prominent in this industry. This also means that once you need to upscale your IT services, you won’t have to move to a bigger office.

Variety of IT services

Whenever you need an IT service, you need to make sure that you have someone on your staff who can handle it. If not, you will have to make a new hire or send an employee to a course where they can learn the skill. If the latter is the case, it’s only sensible that their new salary is adjusted to their new responsibilities. On top of this, you might also have to pay a license for new software, possibly even get them a new piece of hardware. Be that as it may, by outsourcing, all of this becomes someone else’s responsibility.

Experience and expertise

Expertise is reached through experience. We’re not talking about just the necessary skills and knowledge. The majority of courses aren’t really that long but in order to become good at something, a future specialist needs experience. According to some estimates, it may take roughly 10,000 hours for a person to master a skill. This means that if you did something for 8 hours every single day, it would take you roughly 3 years to get to this level. By outsourcing, you get the attention of these experts right away.

Around-the-clock support

Having 24/7 support is a huge advantage but it’s also something that is not that easy to pull off in-house. Paying staff members to be available 24/7 is incredibly expensive, seeing as how overtime needs to be paid extra. Expecting them to be available without paying them or including this in their job description is rude, disrespectful, and possibly even illegal. With the third-party IT managed services, you get this feature virtually free of charge (well, included in the price actually). Overall, it’s a huge operational improvement.


One of the biggest advantages of managed IT services is the fact that they are scalable. In other words, while you’re a small business, you can take some basic features and pay for the most frugal plan offered by the IT service providers. Then, as your business grows and your needs increase, you can switch to a premium plan. This saves you the cost of growing your own department (which would involve moving to a bigger office, getting more equipment, hiring more people, etc.). Scalability provides your company’s development with the necessary flexibility. This alone is a huge advantage.

In conclusion

The last thing you need to keep in mind is that your company’s IT maintenance and services are a roadblock that needs to be overcome. It is one of the most important issues that you need to tend to in order to improve your strategic structure and corporate infrastructure. Therefore, it is crucial that you find the optimal solution for the problem at hand. Keep in mind that outsourcing makes it easier and provides that you pay less (in the short run), get a higher level of professional care, and get an immediate solution for your problem.

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