The Most Common Cosmetic Procedures in 2022

Newstricky| Nowadays, it is no secret that most celebrities invest in cosmetic procedures to change their appearance for increased confidence. Many people are being influenced by this in recent years, accessing the procedures for themselves to boost self-esteem. However, it is hard to keep track of which are the most popular. With millions of registered procedures taking place in the country each year, statistics show that these are currently the most common.

Breast Augmentation

Medically known as mammoplasty, breast augmentation procedures remain the most common. The surgery aims to increase breast sizes by placing implants under the breast tissue or chest muscles. Women seek this cosmetic procedure to feel more confident about the shape of their bodies. This can be because they are dissatisfied with the current size or asymmetry. Breast augmentations are permanent but replacing the implants every 10 – 20 years is recommended for best results.

Average cost: $4000

Procedure time: 60 – 90 minutes

Healing time: 4-6 weeks


Also known as liposculpture or suction-assisted lipectomy, liposuctions are sought to reduce fat content and alter the shape of the body. Although this can occasionally be done to treat health conditions, it is most often performed for cosmetic reasons. The areas targeted in this procedure are usually those where fat deposits tend to collect such as the buttocks, hips, thighs, and tummy. Combining a healthy lifestyle with the procedure will produce long-lasting results that do not require a follow-up appointment for maintenance. 

Average cost: $3500

Procedure time: 1-3 hours

Healing time: 4-12 weeks

Nose Reshaping

Surgical nose reshaping, medically referred to as rhinoplasty, is a procedure that changes the overall appearance, and sometimes the function, of the nose. Incisions are made to allow the bone, cartilage, and/or skin to be modified to achieve the desired shape. Rhinoplasty results are permanent and help to balance facial features for an improved body image. Patients seek nose reshaping to treat health issues like a deviated septum but also for cosmetic reasons that include:

  • Nose size
  • Nose width
  • Nose profile
  • Nasal tip
  • Nostrils
  • Asymmetry

However, non-surgical alternatives using dermal fillers are increasing in popularity as natural results can be achieved within half an hour at cosmetic medicine and wellness clinics like for a fraction of the cost of the surgery. 

Average cost: $5400

Procedure time: 1.5-3 hours

Healing time: 1-6 months

Eyelid Surgery

Professionally referred to as blepharoplasty, eyelid surgeries make it into the top 5 common surgeries, with many people wanting to improve the appearance or function of the top, bottom, or both eyelids. The mission of the surgery is to treat loose and sagging skin, fatty deposits, and/or dropping in the area for a rejuvenated look. The surgery does not prevent aging, so some people may desire a follow-up appointment. However, the results are mostly permanent.

Average cost: $4100

Procedure time: 1-2 hours

Healing time: 1-3 months

Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a procedure that changes the shape of the tummy area. It consists of removing excess loose skin, fat, and stretch marks, and tightening the muscles in the abdomen. Patients usually include people who have lost a significant amount of weight and are left with a sagging tummy – the surgery is not a quick fix for those wanting to lose weight as it is usually only performed on patients with a healthy BMI. If a healthy lifestyle is maintained, results are permanent, and no maintenance procedures are necessary.

Average cost: $6100

Procedure time: 2-5 hours

Healing time: 4-6 weeks


Given the medical term rhytidectomy, a facelift is often seen as the solution to reverse the appearance of aging. The procedure creates a younger-looking face by reducing and sagging in various areas of the face through incisions in the hairline or front of the earlobe. The surgery removes excess skin but cannot decrease fine creases and wrinkles or damage from sun exposure – addressing these concerns requires the exploration of different procedures. 

Average cost: $8000

Procedure time: 2-4 hours

Healing time: 2-4 weeks

It may shock you, but the cosmetic procedures still most popular in 2022 are for patients seeking breast augmentation, liposuction, nose reshaping, eyelid surgery, tummy tuck, or facelift. These procedures can change the appearance and anatomy of various areas of the body, for cosmetic purposes and sometimes health benefits. 

Although cosmetic procedures are effective at increasing confidence in patients and achieving life-changing results, there are also health risks and complications to consider. Explore these options with caution and always research thoroughly to find practitioners who are qualified and experienced.

Boris Petrov

Owner of Dzhingarov, BlogForWeb, HealthAnnotation, MonetaryLibrary, Cryptoext, and writer at TravelTipsor.

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