A Quick Guide to Workers Compensation Insurance Costs

Newstricky| Do you have a small business? Are you curious about workers’ compensation insurance costs? Well, if you’re an employer, you can’t avoid paying for workers’ compensation.

However, understanding the coverage and how it works can significantly help you. With that said, continue reading below to learn more.

How Much Does Workers Compensation Insurance Cost?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employers spent about $6.28 per hour for workers’ compensation insurance. These costs are often shared by employers and employees who contribute premiums for workers’ compensation insurance.

The price a company pays for workers comp insurance largely depends on the state set the business is in. Each state has its own regulations in regard to worker’s compensation insurance costs.

Not only that, but some states also have stipulations on how many employees a company must have before workers’ comp is required. But on average, employers pay $1 per $100 of payroll for workers comp insurance.

There is a formula for figuring out how much the insurance will cost. By using certain calculations, business owners can estimate how much their insurance premium will be. The formula is the following:

Workers’ Classification Code Rate X Experience Modification Number X (Payroll / $100) = Premium.

Is Workers Comp Insurance Necessary?

Absolutely! As a business owner, you are responsible for your employees. They come into work every day and do their jobs, and it is your job to provide a safe environment.

If they are hurt while working, workers’ compensation insurance helps to cover the cost of medical bills, pain and suffering, and more. It ensures that staff members remain healthy and get back to work. In some states, workers’ comp insurance is mandatory.

Not only that but there are several factors that determine how much you’ll pay for your insurance premium. Things like your number of employees and working conditions all factor into the overall price. But on average, you may pay about $50 per month for coverage.

However, you may notice a spike in the premium amount if you have a large number of employees, a vast claims history, or your staff members work in harsh conditions.

For instance, if your workers get hurt frequently, and there are numerous claims filed, your premium might go up. Also, keep in mind that businesses with an office setting will likely pay less than factories or construction companies.

To read more about how to get help with a workers compensation settlement, click the highlighted link.

Understanding Workers’ Compensation Insurance Costs

Unless you have a large number of employees or a dangerous work environment, workers’ compensation insurance costs should be affordable. While you may not want to pay for the extra expense, it’ll come in handy if anything were to happen to an employee.

You never want to put your staff members in a bad position. Workers’ comp is the best way to cover your business and your staff.

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How are workers’ comp premiums calculated?

The amount you pay for workers’ compensation is a specific rate for every $100 of your company’s payroll. Your premium is based on the type of work done by your employees (classification rate), your experience modifier (claims history), and your payroll (per $100).

Employer costs for workers’ compensation per $100 of covered payroll range from a low of $0.55 in Texas to $2.25 in Alaska. However, these numbers are deceptively simple. They include all types of jobs, which means they don’t reflect the different workers’ comp costs for low-risk versus high-risk work.

The formula is:
Classification rate x Experience modification factor x (Payroll / 100) = Premium

Many states set their workers’ comp rates based on guidance from the National Council on Compensation Insurance, an insurance rating and data collection bureau that specializes in workers’ comp. NCCI analyzes trends and makes recommendations based on data from millions of claims and policies. It also has information on how workers’ compensation insurance premiums are calculated in many states.

The NCCI also has a searchable database of workers’ comp class codes online. Insurance companies use these classification codes to determine the level of risk for different job classifications, estimate workers’ compensation rates, and set premiums.

How do you buy workers’ compensation insurance?

In most states, you can purchase workers’ compensation insurance coverage from a private insurer. With Insureon, you can compare workers’ compensation quotes from top U.S. carriers. Select your industry and profession in the dropdown below, fill out our easy online application, and we’ll send you quotes that fit your business.

Some states also run their own insurance funds that sell workers’ compensation insurance. In four states – North Dakota, Ohio, Washington, and Wyoming – businesses are required to buy their workers’ comp policy from the state fund, also called a monopolistic state fund.

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