9-5 no more! Six Reasons you should start your own business

Newstricky| Starting a business for yourself is undoubtedly a massive leap of faith. Not to mention, it requires going out of your comfort zone and doing something from scratch. However, if the prospects of becoming a business owner strike you, what are you waiting for? Well, the answer is simple! Some people find it hard to quit their stable, nine-to-five jobs and decide to take a gamble by launching a business.

After all, things can go either way; your business might end up making millions, or it could end up bankrupting you.

While there are some perks to a nine-to-five job, nothing will be better than being your boss and not being answerable to anyone over your head. So, consider leaping and becoming the Ceo of your organization.

Sure, launching a business involves tons of risks and hard work but, the potential rewards are massive. With that in mind, let us look at a few reasons why you should start your own business today.

You will enjoy absolute job security

There is no doubt that the hard work required to climb the corporate ladder is genuine. You never know when you’ll be handed your termination letter or given a promotion. But, in the end, these life-altering decisions will always be in someone else’s control, and you probably won’t be able to do anything about it.

However, when you start your own company, you’ll be investing your time and money in your future. Furthermore, if you consider starting a family business, you will provide job opportunities to your family members.

With your business, you will have your destiny in your hands, which means no more layoffs! So, quitting your 9-5 job and going for an MBA career change to achieve absolute job security will be one of your life’s best decisions.

You’ll receive tax benefits

Becoming a business owner requires a lot of money, and it will take some time before you earn back the amount you invested. However, you can leverage various tax breaks right off the bat. For instance, numerous government initiatives allow small business owners various tax benefits.

That said, if you want to ensure that you’re taking full advantage of these tax incentives, consider working with a professional accountant or a financial planner. Doing so will allow you to set up your company and receive these benefits from the government, allowing you to save capital for your business.

Furthermore, don’t forget that various government tax programs are aimed specifically at companies owned by minority groups or women. So, if you’re amongst these two groups, you might be able to receive grant funding to get your business going.

You’ll start from scratch

With your business, you own your time and effort. When you set up and start your business, you’ll make all the rules! You’re not even restricted by the procedures and standards set by your manager or boss.

Furthermore, you will offer customers services and products that fit your vision. This way, you will be able to grow and expand your organizations according to your ideals. For instance, maybe you want to ensure that your workforce receives fair salaries, or you want to invest in technologies that make a particular process more efficient – the decision is yours to make.

So, whatever you’ve experienced before in the corporate world while working a nine-to-five job, you will have a better chance to do something more meaningful as a business owner.

After all, most entrepreneurs believe that once you’ve tasted the freedom associated with being a business owner, you probably won’t go back to work for someone else!

You’ll control your schedule and your lifestyle

There is a high chance that you might have spent a few years in the corporate world, and you think that now is the time to turn a new leaf and dive headfirst into the business ownership world.

If you take this step and become a business owner, you’ll have a more flexible schedule and lifestyle. In addition, doing so will ensure that you don’t run around in circles on the corporate hamster wheel.

For instance, you can work from home or schedule business meetings around your family schedule. The possibilities are endless here.

Sure, owning a business doesn’t mean you will sit on a comfortable chair and do nothing. After all, a company requires a lot of time, resources, and patience to run smoothly.

However, you will never have someone hanging over your shoulder, constantly monitoring your every move while waiting for you to fail.

You’ll achieve financial independence

Most individuals start a business because they want to become financially independent. While your company requires a lot of grit and some maneuvering when you try to get your business off the ground, the goal of becoming your own boss cultivates financial independence.

With the help of some hard work and a lot of determination, there is no limit to how much you can make. So, if you want to increase your wealth, starting a business will be your best bet.

Starting a company has numerous financial advantages over a nine-to-five job. Firstly, your business will be a valuable asset for you. as it grows and expands, its overall worth and value will increase. Secondly, as you set up your business with a goal in mind, your wallet will grow when you get ever so close to achieving your business objectives.

In the end, you might decide to hold on to your business and hand it over to your children. Or you might sell it to the highest bidder! So, regardless of whatever you decide to do, your business is a valuable asset!

Every day will be motivating for you

When working for a boss or manager, you will find it extremely challenging to motivate yourself to work and perform your duties efficiently. You might not even feel like getting out of your bed before your shift starts.

But, unfortunately, no matter how hard-working you are at your workplace, your employers will reap the benefits. That said, when you’re the owner of a business, you will motivate yourself to progress every day.

Making your dreams come true is something that you will strive for and control your destiny.


Being a business owner will provide you with a platform to engage in your passion, overcome new challenges, and take advantage of new, exciting opportunities. These are reasons enough to quit your nine-to-five job and opt for starting a business.

However, if you’re still not convinced, consider reading the reasons mentioned above, and you will make up your mind in a heartbeat.

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