10 Useful Tips for Safely Maintaining Your Atlanta Roof

Your Atlanta roof has a big job. It has to stand up to adverse weather conditions and the elements day after day.

Unfortunately, even if your roof seems ok from the ground, the issues you can’t see often make the biggest impact. Do you have to figure out how to take care of your roof when you can’t see some of the most serious issues?

While this can be challenging, some tips can help. Keep reading to find out what these tips are.

  1. Inspect the Shingles

One of the best ways to avoid the need for emergency roof repair is to inspect the shingles regularly. This is especially important during storm season and other times of “wild” weather.

Keep in mind, though, that it isn’t just rain and wind that can cause roof damage. UV light from the sun can also cause serious damage to the shingles.

Because of this, you need to examine and inspect the shingles as a part of regular roof inspections. Make sure they are installed properly and damage-free.

  1. Clean Out the Gutters

Wet basements and ruined siding or paint are problems that can occur when your gutters are clogged. However, it may surprise you to learn that the overflowing water may also move up.

If leaves pile up too high in your gutters, the water can begin to move into the roof sheathing, causing rot. It can also cause rot in your roof rafters.

Trying to fix this type of damage can cost thousands of dollars or more. However, it is easy to avoid this outcome.

Make sure you are cleaning your gutters every spring and fall.

  1. Replace the Sealant

It’s important to replace the sealant on your roof as needed. Take time to inspect each part of the roof where the sealant has been applied. See if there are any signs of wear and tear or cracking.

If you notice these issues, the old sealant will have to be removed, and new applied in these areas.

  1. Trim Trees and Maintain Your Landscaping

Even though having tree limbs close to your home can create a picturesque landscape, they can also cause some problems. Branches and limbs that are knocked loose during storms can cause serious and immediate damage to your home’s roof.

If this happens, you may find that squirrels and other animals start to get into your roof and home. A great way to maintain your roof and prevent these issues is by removing any threatening branches.

As the tree branches and other elements of your landscape start to grow too close to your roof, trim them back. Be sure to trim them several feet away from the roof so they won’t cause issues during bad weather.

It is also a good idea to ensure that your bushes and other landscaping on the ground provide enough space for the gutters to drain water away properly. This will help to prevent damage to the foundation.

  1. Monitor the Presence of Moss

While moss can add a bit of color and that whimsical forest look to your home’s roof, it can also cause a lot of damage.

If moss is left in place and grows without being removed, it can damage all types of roofs. This includes concrete, wood, asphalt, and more.

Moss will grow between the shingles, and as time passes, it can become bulky and cause the shingles to lift away from your roof. When this happens, water has a path to get inside your roof and your home.

Also, the moss is going to hold onto water. If this happens, you will likely see cases of leaks and wood rot in the near future.

It is necessary to scrub the moss away to prevent this type of damage. Be sure to watch for signs of moss growth.

One way to prevent this is by having zinc sulfate granules sprinkled on the roof system each season.

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  1. Remove Any Leaves

If you have a roof with a simple peak that is surrounded by lower landscaping elements, chances are you don’t have a big issue with leaves. However, dealing with piles of leaves is likely to happen for more complex roofing with big trees nearby.

You will probably notice these near the chimney or valleys.

If these leaves are not removed, they are going to trap moisture and begin to decompose. This is another issue that will let moisture accumulate on and in your roof. It can also create the perfect environment for weeds to begin to grow.

  1. Inspect for Signs of Rust

If your roof has any metallic parts present, it is important to check to see if there are any signs of rust or corrosion on them.

When rust is detected, use a wire brush to remove it. Once removed, prime the metal component and then paint it. Doing this is going to help prevent the rust from coming back.

  1. Remove All Snow from the Roof

From time to time, Atlanta gets snow. While it is fun to play in, if too much builds up on your roof, it can cause serious damage.

If your home has an older roof, a lot of snow sitting on it may cause it to collapse.

You can remove snow by scraping it away with a snow rake. This is going to reduce the snow’s weight and minimize the likelihood of the roof collapsing.

  1. Ensure Proper Ventilation and Insulation

When your roof is properly ventilated and insulated, it will be able to combat the effects of excess moisture, which may cause rot. Be sure to have the professionals inspect your attic to ensure you have the right amount and type of ventilation and insulation.

Ventilation is particularly important. Unfortunately, most homeowners are not aware of how important proper ventilation is. In many cases, they are surprised to find out that their attic can “sweat.”

This happens as warm air rises and contacts the cold, interior plywood of the roof. This causes condensation, which can lead to mold and wood rot.

To avoid this, vents need to be installed to ensure proper air circulation.

Also, when your roof is insulated properly, it can prevent ice dams. Keep this in mind and talk to the professionals if you aren’t sure if your roof has the proper amount of insulation or ventilation.

  1. Listen and Look

After a hail or windstorm, you may hear something scurrying in the roof. You should inspect your roof to make sure everything is still in place.

During your visual inspection, look for missing, loose, or curling shingles. You should also check for damaged flashing around skylights, chimneys, vents, and any other openings.

If something seems “off,” be sure to call the professionals for an inspection. Usually, problems are easy to fix if they are caught early.

However, if you put off calling for repairs or an inspection, water may get in and cause even more damage. This is going to increase the cost of the repairs you need.

Keep in mind that there is no need to climb a ladder to inspect your roof. You can simply use binoculars.

Finding the Right Roofer

It is important to take time and put effort into finding the right roofer for the job. While this will require you to do some research and get to know the local options, it will be worth it in the long run.

The right professional roofer will inspect your roof, find issues, and recommend the proper maintenance. In the long run, this will pay off and minimize any potential issues that may arise.

Being informed and finding the right roofer will pay off and ensure that your roof continues to protect your home and family for many years to come.

Now You Know How to Maintain Your Atlanta Roof

As you can see from the information here, there are more than a few things you can do to maintain your Atlanta roof. Be sure to keep the tips and information here in mind, which will reduce issues and costs that you may incur.

Keeping your roof well maintained is going to pay off in the long run.

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