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We Love contributors if they follow our website guidelines as below.

Guidelines before you submit an article:-

1) We accept only 100% unique article.
2) An article should be a minimum of 800 words.
3) Always submit an article in ms word. Article will be reviewed before posting online on website.
4) Outbound links will be checked by editor before moving forward. The editor has the right to edit an article.
5) We strictly do not accept gambling links.
6) Links can be nofollow or dofollow after discussing on email
7) Once the article is live you cannot publish same article on another website.

If you are satisfied with the above guidelines or have any questions asked by filling contact form or send email. We usually respond with 1 business day.

Note: Guidelines can be changed any time so contributors must make note of that.

What you must do after article is Published?

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